Affiliate Marketing
retained me to advise them on how to revive their flagging affiliate marketing
program. Within just 90 days, I created a new recruitment plan, new commission structure, introduced
several innovations that are powerful affiliate recruiting tools, and wrote copy
for a new series of first person testimonial advertorials to promote
Shutterfly print services to prospects that ranged from amateurs to
prosumers. I also advised this top-rated digital print services provider on how to
achieve substantial reductions of affiliate program operating costs and
created a new program of incentives and affiliate commissions that dramatically
increased affiliate acquisition and retention. The Shutterfly affiliate
marketing program saw a 125% increase in the second month.

ActionAce.Com started at zero and in just seven months
- 70,000
- 100,000
- and a 150,000
name email database
- Over $4 million in gross revenue
- With the affiliate marketing
program generating 70% of website traffic and 45% of gross revenue.
I still hold the record as the marketer who created the fastest growing
affiliate program in Internet history.
I overhauled the advertising and editorial features of this entertainment
website. The project included creating new advertorials, reviews and feature
content that I both wrote and direct a team of freelance writers to produce. I
created a new Super-Affiliate Sales Partner program , launched and wrote a new
monthly newsletter with 250,000+ circulation. |